
about being a teacher.

I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in 6 grade and I had just switched schools. Helping others learn has been something I have always liked, and so, that is an important part of who I am now. I am a teacher, and other things.
I have been going to this teacher training course, on bilingual education, I have learned a lot, I like to go there, even if it means that I have to go out of work at 3 get there by 4 and THEN wait until 8, be there at 8 the next day, and leave at 12. Time goes fast.
We talked about different teacher, Exceptional teachers. Id love to be one, but I dont think I am...Im afraid sometimes to get too involved with the kids, on the other hand, if you dont get involved, then you dont get any effect on them. They know when you really care and when you dont. I feel that teachers can indeed change the way boys and girls see the world, and they can make children feel that they can achieve anything they want. I didnt have a lot of those teachers, but at least I can say that I had some. Some people cant even say that.
I want the boys I teach to feel safe in my class, I want them to feel that they can achieve anything they want, that they can do it...and the thing is that when it comes to the arts parents have a preconcieved notion of what should or shouldnt be. I really dont care if things are not pretty, thats the last of my worries.
I prefer to think about the creative output that the children can have. How they can enjoy the subject so much that they forget how many times they have been told that they cannot make it. That it is ugly.
I like being a teacher, but sometimes I wonder, too much power, too much responsability...


los resultados.

por fin..vi los resultados del ibt 110/120..estoy muy contenta...pero ahora, suben los nervios. Me siento rara. jaja.


estoy muy cansada...

estoy muy cansada. Llevo semanas corriendo en el trabajo, y aunque me encanta lo que hago, en este momento podria parar. La calificada me esta matando..subir las notas, todo tan de afan. no paro ni un momento, casi no para almorzar, no tengo timepo de hablar con nadie, el estres me va a acabar.
mmmmmmmmm que hacer... ahora ademas con el diplomado, que me gusta pero que es pesado y evidentemente lo que no hago en clase no voy a lograr en la semana. Evidencia, hoy. No tuve tiempo para terminar el proyecto..aunqeu bueno estuve cerca y la verdad se la puse todo. Me encanta la teconologia y me gusta metersela a este tipo de proyectos, pero evidentemente esto lleva tiempo. no tengo mucho tiempo para pensar.
el link es
copie la dir. en su browser..estoy cansada hasta para hacer un hyperlink.
se me olvida todo.
....estoy cansada. hasta del corazon.
en fin.
la semana aun no termina.